
1 Peter is unavailable, but you can change that!

The vision for this series is to provide for pastors, students, Sunday school teachers, and lay people a clear and compelling exposition of texts of the Bible in the context of the Bible’s Story, and to provide discussion and instantiations of how the Bible’s Story is lived today. The purpose of the Story of God Bible Commentary Series is to explain and illuminate Scripture as God’s Story, with...

The second command in this section is in v. 13: “submit yourselves” (hypotagēte). The motivation for submission to secular rulers is devotion to the Lord. Peter says that his friends are to submit voluntarily to (i.e., “obey”) the governing authorities “for the Lord’s sake” (v. 13). This idea is reinforced in the next few verses when Peter says that good behavior is God’s will (v. 15), that a proper perspective for the Christians is to
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